Filing a diminished value claim for your vehicle is essential if you’ve experienced a car accident that has resulted in a decrease in its value.

Filing a diminished value claim for your vehicle is essential if you’ve experienced a car accident that has resulted in a decrease in its value.
We are a leading auto appraisal, diminished value, and Total Loss settlement company providing impeccable services under one roof.
MD Tax ID: W22612766
7000 Barnett LN, Elkridge, MD, 21075
We at Jared’s Auto Appraisals Are NOT Lawyers and do not offer legal services. We provide guidance on helping clients in the arbitration process in states that allow for it. Some states don’t allow for Arbitration claims, only those claims related to disputes involving the value of total loss vehicles and post-repair arbitration.
Customers who are not satisfied with the insurance company’s final offer can take their dispute to small claims court if the value of the claim is $5000 or less without hiring an attorney. Any further legal advice would need to come from a licensed attorney.
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