Market Value Reports

Get The Fair Market Value of Your Vehicle

When you’re filing a diminished value claim or aiming to receive a payout for a damaged car, it’s essential to obtain your vehicle’s fair market value or actual cash value. At Jared’s Auto Appraisal, we can assist you in evaluating the fair market value of your vehicle.

Robust Evaluation and Assessment of Your Vehicle

Automobiles are subject to high valuation discrepancies, especially if they have been involved in an accident. When applying for a diminished value claim, it is important to know the fair market value of your car. Contact us for a robust evaluation and assessment of your vehicle.

Why Choose Jared’s Auto Appraisals for Your Market Value Reports?

Our certified auto damage appraisers use comprehensive data and expertise to develop robust valuations and reports. Here’s what we offer:

In-house handling of our appraisals

Trained, qualified, and experienced appraisers

Affordable, accredited, and friendly services

Sound and experienced-based advice


Helping Customers with Quality Evaluations and Appraisals

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Industry-accepted evaluations and reports


Certified auto damage appraisers offer quality services and reports accepted by insurers


Using independent sales data and vehicle condition ratings to come up with robust evaluations

car value

The Evaluation Process

We use a unique approach to the evaluation process. With over 25,000 auto appraisals under our belt, we are highly experienced in dealing with complex claims and have a strong industry network that enables us to come up with accurate and acceptable evaluations.

Our certified auto damage appraisers are well-versed in the evaluation field and use their experience, market sales data, and an in-depth analysis of the car’s condition and damages to come up with accurate appraisals.

We have established a solid reputation as an experienced, professional, and reliable service. Our evaluations and appraisals are immediately accepted by leading auto insurance providers.

Recover Your Vehicle’s Lost Value with Our Market Value Reports

When filing a DMV claim, insurers will always question your vehicle’s value and aim to minimize the payout. It is important to work with a reliable, certified, and accredited appraiser to assess accident-related damage, resale prices, and post-recovery valuations to recover your lost value.

If your car is not evaluated correctly, there are high chances that you won’t file an accurate claim or get the compensation you’re entitled to. At Jared’s Auto Appraisals, we provide our customers with impeccable market value reports that are an accurate representation of their current condition. These reports are reliable, error-free, and unbiased. Get in touch with the experts at Jared’s Auto Appraisals for a comprehensive valuation.